Building Science
Phius professionals learn how controlling moisture, heat, and airflow in buildings define best practices in building design for comfort, efficiency, durability, and air quality.
Phius Certified Verifiers deliver on-site quality assurance and oversight for large-scale residential and non-residential passive building projects.
Verifier Training Program Overview Phius Certified Verifier training is geared toward professionals with experience testing and commissioning multifamily and non-residential buildings.
For a project pursuing Phius Certification, the Verifier is the 3rd party quality assurance professional responsible for on-site inspections and performance testing throughout the construction process and at final construction.
These professionals are critical to ensure that the building is built and operating to the plans and specifications that are design certified by Phius.
Phius professionals learn how controlling moisture, heat, and airflow in buildings define best practices in building design for comfort, efficiency, durability, and air quality.
From moisture control strategies to thermal-bridge-free design strategies, passive building places emphasis on getting the enclosure right. Phius Certified Verifiers inspect the enclosure and quality of insulation installed.
Balanced ventilation and high-performance heating, cooling, and domestic hot water systems are critical elements of passive building design. Verifiers must understand how to commission and test high performance equipment.
An airtight enclosure is cornerstone to passive building. Phius Certified Verifiers understand large building testing protocols and how to inspect and troubleshoot an air control layer in the building enclosure.
Verifiers are responsible for ensuring the project meets all inspectable, mandatory requirements and have a deep understanding of the Phius Certification program requirements.
The third party co-requisite programs build the foundation for Phius' set of quality assurance requirements. Verifiers hold the knowledge of these foundational programs for non-residential and multifamily construction projects.