Jordan Dentz

Jordan Dentz, Vice President New York, MaGrann Associates. He moved to MaGrann in 2022 when the sustainability services division of The Levy Partnership was acquired by MaGrann. Mr. Dentz has more than 20 years of experience as a consultant and technical advisor to the building industry, including architects, developers, contractors, builders, and building materials manufacturers and suppliers. His work has focused on building energy efficiency with a focus on affordable housing including retrofits and new construction. He has led numerous technology demonstrations for NYSERDA involving innovative air source heat pump retrofits, led one of the New York City RetrofitNY teams, and for many years was the director of research for the ARIES Building America team under U.S. DOE and the National Renewable Energy laboratory. Mr. Dentz has authored numerous publications and presented research results at conferences and seminars nationwide. He is a certified passive house consultant, PHIUS multifamily verifier and RESNET Home Energy Rater. He holds a M.S. in Building Technology and a B.S. in Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.