The Phius REVIVE 2024 retrofit standard has arrived! 

Phius REVIVE 2024 is a trailblazing new standard that puts mass-scale retrofitting of the existing building stock (a critical aspect of mitigating the climate crisis) within reach. It prioritizes decarbonization (both operational and embodied), optimizes solutions based on the existing conditions of each project, and includes quality assurance to ensure results.

REVIVE 2024 is a completely reimagined framework for passive retrofits. Some of what sets it apart is:

  • It features a software tool that can run parametric studies to identify a range of specific solution packages that all have the required resilience and with the lowest life cycle costs.
  • It goes for zero operational carbon emissions and is sensitive to embodied carbon.
  • The planning process is guided by resilience

Phius REVIVE 2024 utilizes the newly developed ADORB (Annualized Decarbonization of Retrofitted Building) cost and other software tools to create a range of solution packages tailored to the needs and existing conditions of each project. Weighing the carbon and financial costs of work and new materials and optimizing the proposed solutions is part of what distinguishes REVIVE 2024 from other retrofit standards.

The standard and accompanying tool were developed over the last several years, culminating with the release of both for public comment earlier this year. We received an overwhelming response of questions, ideas and inquiries – a true testament to the dedication and knowledge of our Phius constituency (look out for a blog breaking down these comments and changes in the coming weeks!). But for now, back to the standard. 

What does REVIVE 2024 provide?


Phius REVIVE 2024 ensures resilience to grid outages, meaning the interior conditions remain habitable for at least a week in the event of an extreme heat or cold event.

Indoor Air Quality

Resolving existing indoor air quality issues such as mold, radon, lead and poor ventilation are a primary focus of REVIVE 2024.


REVIVE 2024 fortifies buildings against site hazards such as hail, wildfire, and high winds where appropriate.

A new standard means new resources! From workbooks to software tools, everything you need to embark on your next Phius REVIVE 2024 project is right here:

New resources are great, but how do you use them? We are glad you asked. We have tutorials for you! Take a look at each process and video to navigate through your next retrofit adventure.

As always, Phius is on your side. Every member of our staff wants you to succeed in your retrofit endeavors, so reach out for help, questions and of course constructive feedback. Help us achieve our vision of every building supporting the health of people and the planet. The existing building stock is our greatest asset – let’s REVIVE it!

We’d like to thank and congratulate the entire Phius REVIVE team for a successful, and heavy, lift: Graham Wright, Al Mitchell, Jackie McAninch,Haley Kalvin-Gold, and James Ortega.